Toutatis How To Page
How To Create a New Type of Application Controller
- Decide name and prefix (typically t? where ? is the first letter or two of your name
- cd ~/toutatis/src; mkdir $name$
- ttcvs add $name$
- cd $name$
- ttnewfile pirate $prefix$Pirate
- ttnewfile appConSvrMain $prefix$SvrMain
- ttnewfile appConTclMain $prefix$TclMain
- cp ../getafix/Conscript .
- ttcvs add Conscript
- Edit Conscript and replace names as appropriate
- Edit ~/toutatis/Construct to add your line to the Build ( statement
- Fill in the file $prefix$Pirate.h/$prefix$Pirate.cpp
- Try building by cd ~/toutatis;cons
- Test by cd ~/toutatis/export/bin;./t$prefix$tcl